Accessories, spare parts & more.

There are few things more annoying for a cyclist then having to cut short a ride because of a mechanical issue. Especially if you have travelled miles and miles to come cycling in this beautiful area in southern Spain under lovely sunshine and you still have the most stunning part of the route you planned to do ahead of you (or just the descend that you´ve been working for so hard). Obviously, there are worse places to be stranded or having to wait for someone to come to your rescue than Grazalema, with its sunny terraces, bakeries and cake shops, shops with local products, restaurants, hotels, and even a spa, but still. We prefer seeing cyclists wander around the village after a satisfying training or a lovely leisurely ride, instead of seeing them a taxi back home because of a broken chain. Whether you have rented one of our bikes or not; we want to help every cyclist whenever possible to have a great day out on the bike here in Andalucía. In the past you would have had to go to Ronda (the nearest city, situated at approximately 20 miles from Grazalema) in the case of a mechanical while cycling in the Sierra de Grazalema, but like we said: that´s the past.

Although we aren´t a big cycling shop, we´ve made sure that we have the basic necessities in spare parts and accessories in stock and for sale, so that we can help you to continue your way and to keep enjoying your day on the bike. So if you are nearby and in need of an inner tube, tyre or quick link, we´ll be happy to help you out. We have the tools to do small reparations and maintenance on the bikes, so we can also sort you out with a new brake or gear cable, or a new chain. Further we have things like bike mini pumps, tyre levers, and multi tools for sale, just in case you lost or forgot to bring your own. And if you have a puncture, feel free to come by and use our track pump to get your tyres back to pressure.

Accessories & Spare Parts
Accessories & Spare Parts
Accessories & Spare Parts

The place where we´re established, used to be a late night bar, and although lots of things have changed since we moved in here, we still have a fridge with cold drinks and a coffee machine. This way you can sit down and relax, read a cycling magazine or just see the people go by on the street, while we sort your bike out or tell you more about the routes around here.

Last but not least, we hope that you will enjoy cycling in the provinces of Cadiz, Malaga and Seville as much as we do, and for the ones that would like to take home a reminder of their great experience of cycling in Andalucia, we have T-shirts with a cycling design in several colours and sizes for sale. Hopefully the T-shirt will bring a smile to your face, every time you pull it out of your wardrobe to wear it, while you remember the amazing bike rides you did in our Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park.

Accessories & Spare Parts
Accessories & Spare Parts